Sunday, November 14, 2010


The most common response when witnessing or speaking of witnessing is this~ "Only God can judge me" or "I'm not the judge for anyones life."  I ask this.  What's the verdict?  Because clearly if this is a true response they must then know that God will judge them.  So put me aside.  Act as though I haven't said a word.  They know that they will die.  They profess to know of God and His judgement to come.  Why be on the defense?  If in fact these people really and truly believed in the Almighty, wouldn't they be glad to see others who are speaking His word?  Why feel as though witnessing is passing judgement.  Are they not judging those who they point at as judging?  Matthew 7:15-23   My  hearts desire is to honor God and one way is to witness and proclaim His name~ not to condemn.  I know not when the last day will be, but I do understand we aren't promised our next breath.  Listen, God's word sets me straight.  I understand I am just one person.  I have a pretty messed up past~  But my what a glorious future I have with Jesus!  Why wouldn't  I want others to know of such a promise only God is faithful to keep?!

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