I will rejoice in the Lord for I know this is the day the Lord has made!
Have you ever NOT felt that way? Why?
I'm ashamed to admit but I wake up some mornings with the "woe is me" attitude. Half awake, I walk to the dog cage usually kicking the handle to open it. I stumble in the dark to find the front door (which I usually forget is locked and bang my shoulder trying to open it). I then proceed with the routine of feeding cats, child and husband. On these "woe is me" mornings, I can't seem to get into gear... I notice that I focus on not putting enough milk in my coffee, the yolk in the eggs break, and the child just will not get it together as I think she should. The ride to school seems to take forever. And the singing in the car is not an option!
But the "woe is me" days are few and I pray become even fewer. I've come to learn that these days are when I don't wake and pray. I get in such a hurry searching in the dark to start the day that I don't realize I've already put aside what is most important. Putting on the armor of God before anything is vital in a Christians life (Ephesians 6:11). Waking up and giving praise to the Lord puts the day in order. I'm thankful when my husband and I remember to call each other if we've forgotten to pray because we understand it's part of our relationship with God and each other. The Lord has opened my heart to desiring that time with Him. Everyday is a gift from God. The day is not about me. The Glory is to God. And you know what? I enjoy my responsibilities as a wife and mother. Oh the beauty of a quiet house in the morning! The excitement of the dog when he hears me approaching him! Having food to cook, being ABLE to cook for my family, being blessed by having time with my daughter who has grown so fast. It is because of God that I am here and because of God that I am able to see His beauty around me. I think to often the norm is to say," I'm tired" or "I just don't feel well" and other excuses~ And after all that's just what they are. When I don't put God first there are only excuses to be made. And none worthy might I add. By praying first; before my feet hit the floor, I see what a difference it makes. And I assure you, it does!
God is the gasoline in the automobile of life. Without Him, you can spend all day pushing that heavy load around and getting nowhere fast. Prayer fuels our engine.