Why is it so hard to forgive? What is it that holds us back from confronting issues of the heart? Have we who have been forgiven by the Father forgot that we are to forgive?
I think of my own life. How undeserving I am to be forgiven. Nothing could I do to ever deserve the love I have in Jesus. But through God's amazing grace I am born again!
Before trusting in the work done on the cross, I saw forgiveness as something earned. I felt like someone would have to give me respect before giving them respect. Living a life like that was hurtful to both myself and the people I encountered. I see it in people now. I see their struggle with being nice and respectful or having forgiveness. Many professing Christians hold onto what they feel is right rather then what God says is right. We are to forgive. Be kind. Have a pure heart. Doing all without being ostentatious. How are we being Christ-like when going out of our way to hurt others? If I speak unkindly, if I treat one unkindly, how then am I emulating Christ? (I'm not seeing God's reflection when looking into the mirror). I'm talking to any woman or man who says they are forgiven yet will not forgive those around them. I'm speaking of Christians who seek not reconciliation or not putting the other person before ourselves. Seek out scripture. Where does it show Jesus casting the first stone? Did He not lead others to the cross where ultimately He was crucified for their sins? (for your sins) Did He not say "Father forgive them" (Luke 23:34) I hope this finds you in the Spirit of God. I pray these words come to you as a gentle reminder that we need not hold onto something that isn't ours to hold onto. When forgiving we must ultimately give it to God and through doing so, He will give you the heart which in turn leads to actions from the heart. I give glory to God the Father who forgave me and gave me the heart to forgive.